
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Invaders and Emotional Digital Lovers.

Time for another post by me. No real theme here, just tracks I've been into.

First track is Invaders Must Die, by The Prodigy. This song is more known as the song from the Scott Pilgrim trailer. It's a pretty awesome track.

Moving on to another track I like currently is the remix AlphaBeat made of Digital Love for ReDiscovery. Digital Love is one of my all time favorite songs. This remix chops the original sample and over lays it with a smooth bass and synths.

Last but not least, a track by The Jokestrap. This track's title is The Emotional Lover. I love the combination of the sample and the synths. I hope he releases it soon.

That's all for today. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Back!

Hello everyone. DJ Waybig here, back from vacation. Now that I am back, I am back to posting! I've decided to do a post today since I am way overdue. (Plus, I saw no one has posted in 11 days.) Here are some tracks I've been listening to recently.

Magna - When It's Over

Out of all the songs Magna had in Three EP, I find this my favorite. The sample is very good, and it reminds me a lot of With You Friends by Skrillex. Very well made ep as well from Magna.

Xinobi - Valsa in NJ

Very epic track from Xinobi. I had first heard it in the LLR mixtape. I had to look for this one a lot.

Well, those are my 2 tracks for today. Hope you guys enjoyed my post!

Sunday, August 8, 2010



"Electrowaves" is a brand new forum opened by Niteshade, vCitro and myself, to benefit musicians and electronic music fans everywhere!

While it is still currently evolving, we need all the supoort we can gather! So if you like music in general, and want to join a brand new community, check out the new site, a forum for the people, by the people. We are a community of fans and artists alike, so invite all your friends to join!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Something For You To Listen To: Cosmos - Take Me With You

Tom Middleton created this club smash under the moniker "Cosmos" wayyyyy back in 2002.
and its extra special because he used no samples it, in fact he swears against using other peoples work.
Now Middleton has a few other hits, but this is by far my favorite from him.
and i like it for 2 reasons.
1: I love the Bassline.
2: Middleton played all the parts by himself.
so yea, its a fukin awesome track, and if you dont like it, i will find you and destroy you.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Something random and music related, but isnt music.

Here's a quick peice of multimedia for you all to see, something a tiny bit musically linked, but random too.

I give you...

SebastiAn Squarepants, aka Spongebob SebastiApants.


Enjoy this ikkle burst of randomness,


L8 edit: I was slightly drunk when I did this. Sorry. It's still amusing though :)