The first question in your mind after reading the headline is most likely "Is It Real?" Good question. By now, we've all seen so many tracks claimed to supposedly be real tron tracks,but turn out to be just fakes made by some other artist (i.e Fragile,The Crash) So when i saw this:
I thought it was just another guy making up some bull@#$! That is,until i saw THIS (you can hear it at 1:21 and on):
This is an official trailer from disney by the way, so i can confirm the track on the first vid is 100% Official. Amazing right? Yes it is. Its even more amazing to me that this was even confirmable from the start. I am so sure this is a real track that if I am proved wrong, I will hereby resign from this blog. Anyways, you guys need a link to this. I cant blab about it and screw you over. :)
Daft Punk-Tron Legacy Trailer Theme
And just as an added bonus,here is a badass track from Beaufort to get you in the mood for Tron: Legacy
Enjoy the goodies! Tron:Legacy Drops in US 12.17.2010 and across the world in 2011.